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Joshua Bangle

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My name is Joshua Bangle. I live in Far East Mesa near Apache Junction, Queen Creek and Gilbert of Arizona. I enjoy living alone with my two amazing dogs. I love to travel and explore the world. I also like to help people in any way I can.


I have created this organization as a way to connect and help people in which I’m going to set a great example and be a role model. I want to be the face of this organization. It’s a great way to connect with our community with a personalized presence. I hope to connect with people who have to overcome what I had to and who can support my mission of what leads to the future of tomorrow.


Everyone has their own experiences and struggles. I want to support and teach individuals regardless of what your experiences are, let's learn how to accept life as is and move forward towards a healing process while focusing on what you want out of life. Let's come together and enjoy what's in front of us.


As I was living in Logan, Utah 2008-2010, I have connected with some great people who have helped me start this journey that I am on. I appreciate those who I have come across and have taught me a lesson even though they may not realize it. I choose to live happier and healthier regardless of what I have gone through in my childhood. I am who I am, and I am where I am because I am choosing to overcome what’s more important. It’s all about mindset and will power. Logan was a great starting point and I’m looking forward to opportunities coming my way.


The whole experience as I was living in Utah has been great and led me to where I am today. I have started a hotline where people can call me, and we will talk about anything. In November 2014, I had a client call me asking if they could meet with me on an issue that couldn’t be resolved over the phone. I’m like yeah, why not. So, I did, and I have had up to 600 clients or so from 2014 until 2020.


I have an older brother and a younger sister as I'm the middle child. I've never had the chance to get to know my brother as he lived with my grandparents in North Carolina. It always has been my mom, sister, and myself for a while before we were pulled apart. I do have some decent good memories before all the bad, but now everything is fading away and I can barely remember how long it has been. I appreciate my mom for having me, for having a roof over our head, food on the table, and clothes on our back, but she wasn't never a mother who cared, loved and protected me from harm. I think she did everything she could with what she had at the time.


I was raised in a family dynamic of abuse, neglect, and abandonment by my own family. I have moved home to home until eventually my own mother didn’t or couldn’t handle me. I landed in group homes with no chance of foster care because she couldn’t let go and couldn’t really decide what to do for the family. I also went group home to group home, case manager to case manager, no one wasn’t taking the time to explain to me what was going on or didn’t understand my behaviors as to outbursts later on.


My mom grew up without a dad. It is my understanding her dad killed himself when my mom was younger. It doesn’t make sense why my dad isn’t in the picture. Ever since my grandma’s first husband killed himself in the 50’s or 60’s and since she hasn’t dealt with suffering. My grandma is currently in a locked down assisted living facility, and it has been a while since I have seen her since I have seen her. I recently discovered this info before my great uncle, great grandparents and my mom has passed away between 2020 through 2022.


I choose to have limited or no contact with my birth family. I'm creating my own circles of people as my own family and/or support. I can no longer let my past childhood affect me today and where I am going tomorrow. I'm going to enjoy today, move forward, live my life, and know everything will work out for the best.


The relationships I have been in, haven't been great and I have managed to see what I can learn from them or how they ended the way they did. Given my past and my childhood it has been a process for sure, but it has been awesome to see where I am going. I have worked so hard to be where I am today.


I know the feelings too well of not being wanted by your birth family and being raised in the system didn’t help either. I'm learning how to have a relationship with myself, know I can embrace my story and discover who I want to be. I don’t know how someone like me can live with so much pain and suffering while I’m still here living my life the best I can. I know it’s a process and it will take time, but it doesn’t make it easy. Good life comes with hard work.


I have learned so much from the people I have worked with. I’m glad I am not alone and the only one stuck in our system. I hope to continue my mission to help people in any way I can and make the necessary steps to make this organization successful. It can help a lot of people if it’s done right.


As I have mentioned before, I wanted to be the face of this organization that I have created here, and I wanted to share my story with you. I hope you know there's ALWAYS an opportunity to see through your situation and challenges or your path of where you are heading without any barriers. If there's ever anything I can do for you or our community, I suggest for you to contact me and present your ideas to me. 

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